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01333 423775
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Medical history form

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* required field

Personal details
Title: *Full name: *
Date of birth: *Occupation: *
Address: *
Home phone:Mobile phone:
Work phone:Email address:
Please state preferred method of contact: *When was your last dental treatment?: *
Doctor's details
Name: *Number: *
Address: *
Emergency contact
Name: *Number: *
Are you...
If yes, please give details
Taking any prescribed medication? (e.g. tablets, ointments or inhalers - including immunosuppressants, contraceptives, HRT or blood thinners) If you have a repeat prescription, please hand to a member of staff to copy. *
Receiving or have received treatment for cancer? (chemotherapy/radiotherapy) *
Allergic to any medicine or substances? (e.g. penicillin, latex, rubber or food) *
Attending or receiving treatment from a doctor, hospital, clinic or specialist? *
Currently or possibly pregnant? *
Carrying a warning card for any reason? *
Have you...
If yes, please give details
Suffered from heart problems - including angina, blood pressure or heart attack? *
Ever had heart surgery or a pacemaker fitted? (Please give date if possible) *
Suffered from a blood disorder? (haemophilia/anaemia) *
Had blood refused from a blood transfusion service? *
Suffered from bruising or persistent bleeding after a tooth extraction? *
Suffered from, or has anyone in your family suffered from diabetes? (if so Type I/Type II) *
Suffered from liver disease? (e.g. hepatitis/jaundice) *
Suffered from bone or joint disease? (e.g. osteoporosis) *
Suffered from bronchitis/asthma or other chest conditions? *
Suffered from fainting attacks/giddiness/epilepsy/blackouts? *
Ever had a bad reaction to local or general anaesthetic? *
Ever had to be hospitalised? *
Do you...
If yes, please give details
Smoke any tobacco products or have done in the past? (If so, how many per day & for how long) *
Vape? *
Chew tobacco? *
Drink alcohol - if so, how many units per week? (1 unit of alcohol is a half pint of lager, a single measure of spirits or a single glass of wine) *
Use any self-prescribed drugs or non-prescription drugs? (e.g. street drugs, aspirin etc.) *
Weigh more than 21 stone / 135kg? *
Please use this space below for any additional information
Sign and date here
Signed: *
Date: *
submit form

Banbeath Dental Practice
1 Banbeath Court, Leven, KY8 5GY
01333 423775
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 5.00pm
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Banbeath Dental Practice is the trading name of Esme Headen Ltd CO No SC474324
Banbeath Dental Practice
1 Banbeath Court, Leven, KY8 5GY
01333 423775
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 5.00pm
sitemap  |  how to find us
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coronavirus updates
Banbeath Dental Practice is the trading name of Esme Headen Ltd CO No SC474324
2021 Banbeath Dental Practice
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2021 Banbeath Dental Practice
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2021 Banbeath Dental Practice